
Lee Nash was born in West Sussex, England and grew up in South Africa; she now lives in the Charente department, France. She has worked as an editor, a proofreader and an editorial designer, and is now a freelance writer. She is also a flautist with an honours degree in music from Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. Her writing has appeared in diverse journals and anthologies and has won or been placed in international competitions. Her first poetry collection Ash Keys was published in 2017 by Flutter Press and her French translation of the children’s book A Rhino to the Rescue (written and illustrated by Cleve Hicks) is published by Les Éditions Maïa.

Previously published, selected works

‘Colour as a Living Force’, reportage, Freshmind, August 2024

Haiku ‘fine needles’, Joint Winner, Best Overall English language haiku, Spring Haiku Contest 2024, Edmonton Japanese Community Association

‘Plato’ (limerick), Joint Third Place, Katrina Ellis Memorial Prize, Wildfire Words, 2024

‘What I Say to Well-meaning Christians’, witcraft, January 2024

‘Funambule’, Readers’ essay, The Christian Century, August 2023

‘Aunt D’s funeral’, Shortlisted, The Subbub Prize 2023

‘Jane’, Honorable Mention, The Roswell Award, The 2023 Omega Sci-fi Awards

‘Sin of omission’, America: The Jesuit Review, 17 August 2023

‘The World’s Mine Oyster’, Tangible Territory, Issue 5, January 2023

‘The Cygnet’, Special Mention, The 2022 Victorina Press Vo(i)ces Poetry Contest; Vo(i)ces II: stories of life, death and beyond, Victorina Press, 2024

‘Young’s Quantum Experiment After Mass’, finalist, The 2022 Stephen A. DiBiase Poetry Contest

‘Inspector’ and ‘Fantasy tactics’, The Ocotillo Review 5.2, 2021

‘Ave Maria’, Laureates’ Choice Prizewinner, Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest, 2021

‘Alms’, Third Prize, Swanton Public Library’s Kindness Poetry Compilation and Contest 2021

‘Dodging the pillars of religion’, Honourable Mention, sonnet crown category, The Kim Bridgford Memorial Sonnet Competition, 2021

‘Disremembered’, Shortlisted, Better Than Starbucks 2020 Sonnet Contest

‘Dear son’, ‘Keith Chen and the monkey brain’ and ‘Renewal’, The Sunlight Press, October 2020

‘City dwellers’, First Place, TU Dublin Short Story Competition, 2020

‘Stepping down’, Third Place, 11th Annual Spirit First Poetry Competition 2020

‘Birth river’, Winner, The Donn Goodwin Prize, 2020

‘Polysemic crush’, Finalist, MacQueen’s Quinterly Quink Writing Challenge, issue 4, July 2020

Senryu ‘corporate fallout’, First Prize, haiku and senryu category, The Lockdown Prize, Fish Publishing, 2020

Collecting the strands of Pele’s hair’, Joint First Prize, 2019 Princemere Poetry Prize

‘Taking the N° 11′, Laureates’ Choice prizewinner, Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest 2019.

49 miles to 50′, Slice, fall 2018/winter 2019

‘Dawn chorus’, Blue Fifth Review, fall 2018

Haiku ‘blue wildflowers’ and ‘jasmine’, The Heron’s Nest, June 2018

‘Fallout’, ink sweat and tears, June 2018

‘Now’, The Curlew, spring 2018

‘When the rubber hits the road’, Second Prize, Bath Flash Fiction Award, February 2018, and The Best Small Fictions 2019, Sonder Press

Haiku ‘premature birth’, Pulse, February 2018

‘D/deafku’, Magma 69, winter 2017

‘A gap in the crowd’, haiku sequence, The Lampeter Review, Issue 15, 2017

‘Night tapestry’, Antiphon, Issue 21, June 2017

‘Siblings’, Honorable Mention, Samurai Haibun Competition, 2017

Haiku ‘hotel honeymoon suite’, old song: The Red Moon Anthology of English Language Haiku 2017

‘They give awards for that’, Second Place, Poetry Award, ESME’s Annual Showcase Awards 2017

Haiku ‘bundled up’, Acorn, fall 2017

‘Trauma: an introduction’, Ambit, Issue 227, January 2017

‘Abuse of process’, Matchbook, 5 June 2017

‘The page turner’, Southword, Issue 31, 2017

Haiku ‘sunflowers facing in all directions’, The Mainichi: Best of 2017

Haiku ‘every walnut’, The Asahi Haikuist Network, The Asahi Shimbun, 3 November 2017

‘Grahamstown, Eastern Cape, 1984’ and ‘Miserere mei, Deus’, Poetry Salzburg Review, Issue 29, summer 2016

‘Tilikum’, Zoomorphic, Driftfish anthology, 2016

‘Emptying the mermaid’s purse’, The Ghazal Page, Issue 59, 2016.

Haiku ‘ice-cold in the bedroom’ and ‘migrating cranes’, First and Second Place, Shintai haiku, The World Haiku Review, June 2016

‘And all the storms’, Mezzo Cammin, Volume 11, Issue 1, June 2016

‘The apple cart’, Angle, Issue 8, 2016

‘The silent orchid’, ‘Platinum (78)’, ‘Sister Bartholomew’, ‘Unbothered shopper’, ‘The burn’, Featured Poet, Avatar Review, summer 2016

‘Oil and cotton’, Honoree, The Binnacle Annual Ultra-short Competition, fall edition, 2016

‘Two inches numb’, Finalist, Hysteria Writing Competition 2016, Hysteria 5, The Hysterectomy Association anthology 

‘The forgotten season’, The Interpreter’s House, Issue 60, 2015

‘Kitchen haiku’, The Lake, May 2015

‘Atelier mouche’, The French Literary Review, Issue 23, April 2015

‘Virginia’s stones’, Orbis Quarterly International Literary Journal, Issue 72, summer 2015

‘Bone china’, Commended, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, August 2015    

‘Babushka’, Finalist, Goodreads Newsletter Contest, July 2015
